
New Arrivals: Mature Bordeaux Reds Part II

Vivian Liang | July 8, 2021

In this second part of our new arrival offer, we will focus on Saint-Julien and Margaux. Whilst stylistically different I find these two communes often delivering great value for money, from the more classical and refined wines of Saint-Julien to the feminine and elegant wines of Margaux. These two appellations are home to some of the great names of Bordeaux that are instantaneously recognizable such as Léoville Las Cases, Léoville Poyferré, or Palmer.


Saint-Julien is a small commune in Bordeaux that has one of the most varied terroirs in the region, including soil composed of gravel, sand, limestone, clay, and a mix of other different rocks. The wines can be big and powerful or just the opposite, elegant, pure, and precise. Our new wines on offer will be a perfect representation of the versatility of Saint-Julien wines.

Ducru Beaucaillou 1986: dried berries, black truffle, leather, medium body, and a long finish.
Langoa Barton 2015: blueberry, tobacco, structured, and robust.
Léoville Barton 2005: black fruits, sweet spices, and concentrated.
Léoville Las Cases 2009: plum, white flowers, and opulent.
Léoville Poyferré 2005: blackcurrant, oak, soft tannins, and thirst-quenching. 


The commune of Margaux is famous for its perfumed style and elegance. Other than Château Margaux, the First Growth and namesake of the appellation, there are quite a few well-priced top estates that I would recommend any time of the day.

Cantenac Brown 2009: blackberry, powerful, and concentrated.
D'Issan 2012: a mix of black and blue fruits, medium body, and silky tannins. 
Malescot Saint-Exupéry 2015: black fruits, chocolate, and indulgence. 
Palmer 2009: ripe black fruits, plum, truffle, perfumed, and seductive. 
Palmer 2012: blackberry, oak, white flowers, complex, and opulent.
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 2009: black fruits, floral, hints of tea leaves, expressive, and elegant. 
Rauzan-Ségla 2009: blackberry, violet, hints of earthiness, and firm tannins.
Rauzan-Ségla 2010: ripe black cherry, hints of tobacco, chewy tannins, and intense finish.