
New Arrivals: Champagne and 2019 Bordeaux

Finna Sze | August 1, 2023

In August, Sotheby’s Wine is thrilled to announce the arrival of some fantastic new arrivals to our selection.

We have just received inventory of Champagne from esteemed houses like Delamotte, Dom Pérignon, and Krug. And we're equally delighted to announce the arrival of highly sought-after 2019 Bordeaux wines in our warehouse.

The 2019 vintage has been hailed as yet another exceptional vintage in Bordeaux. With a cool and refreshing April and May, followed by a hot growing season, the result is wines that generally boast an abundance of rich, fruity flavors, balanced by tannins and acidity in a classic Bordeaux style.

Don’t miss out on these new arrivals to our exquisite wine selection, cheers!