
Morey St Denis' Finest: Hubert Lignier

Nick Jackson, MW Consultant | June 2, 2022

Sumptuous and Textured

Morey St. Denis never receives the same attention - or possibly even respect - as its neighbours on either side, Gevrey-Chambertin and Chambolle-Musigny. It’s not clear why, given the host of wonderful premier and grand cru sites within the village. And one producer above all reveals the potential of these vineyards: Domaine Hubert Lignier.

Lignier’s wines capture Morey’s dual personality: savoury earthiness on the one hand, and bright, vivid aromatics on the other. The wines are always gorgeously textured and sumptuous, while remaining classically Burgundian in their structure and flavour profile. Of the two vintages in stock, 2017 is a mid-weight, fresh vintage; the 2018 vintage, richer and fuller. Whichever you try, Lignier’s winemaking brilliance will shine through.