
Jean-Paul & Benoît Droin: One Of Chablis’ Undervalued Stars

Finna Sze | December 17, 2022

With the festive season approaching, and lots of beautiful seafood sure to be enjoyed in Hong Kong over this period, what better time than now to draw your attention to one of our superstar Chablis producers.

When I think about what to pair with our famous local seafood dishes, the first wine that comes to my mind is Chablis. With its distinctive oyster-shell minerality and freshness, sometimes with the faintest of subtle oak flavours, Chablis is definitely number 1 on my list for approachable styles of wine that pairs with festive seafood easily.

Located in the heart of Chablis, Jean-Paul & Benoît Droin has four centuries of history, and whilst it has long been appreciated as one of the most historic domaines in Chablis, people are now also waking up to the exceptional quality that this producer has been churning out in recent years. These days there is no doubt that they are one of the benchmark producers of Chablis at all levels, and whilst the critics have started to wise up to this and ratings for recent releases have been extremely high, the market is yet to catch up in terms of pricing. Which, all in all, means that the wines offered here provide simply stunning quality for the value.

Today, I am happy to present this range of JP & Benoît Droin’s selection from Sotheby’s Wine to you: