
Fine Magnum Selection to Share

Lucien Michel | April 23, 2022

As the restrictions ease, wine lovers will be returning to restaurants with friends gathering around the table. This calls for celebration and what better way to do so than to open a magnum.

Magnums immediately put a smile on someone's face, even before looking at the label on the bottle; they exude a sense of joy and celebration with the added benefit of often longer ageing potential, preserving the vibrancy and freshness of the wine.

I have selected a few of my favourite magnums ready to drink with your close ones. This selection should serve every budget, style, and taste.

Montevertine in Tuscany, with Le Pergole Torte 2017: here, you will be tempted by the power of Sangiovese's earthy and smoky notes. In contrast, the Montevertine 2010 can bring a softer side with the addition of Canaiolo and Colorino.

Solaia 1995 is delicious with its ripe tannins that have softened with age, but still hold strong thanks to the larger format. Its complex arrays of aromas and length are impressive with cherry, chocolate, and oak on the palate.

Domaine Lignier 2017: with this Morey Saint-Denis, you will be transported with notes of the forest floor and delicate raspberry.

The famed Clos Rougeard 2015 from Saumur has matured superbly, showcasing the Cabernet Franc used to make it and sheer intensity of the fruit.

The unmistakable Château Angélus 2000 from Saint-Émilion is one of the best vintages in recent years for Bordeaux. Dark berries, leather, and soft tannins are at its core.

Sotheby’s Wine invites you to open, share, drink, and repeat!